Well the summer of 2011 has rounded the bend. Over in Middlebury they are post-Field Days to be followed quickly by back-to-school shopping. The Tweed River Music Festival has come and gone (without me) and the last camper left yesterday around 1:00 PM (without me).
It has been a summer that turned out much differently than I had envisioned. Plans of learning to play the guitar (2 new chords-that’s it), running every day (once around the lake) and making a gazillion grilled cheese sandwiches (accomplished that one) were squashed by work.
My romantic life was on hold. Basically a summer of celibacy. My laundry getting mixed up and delivered to one of the female counselors’ cabins by mistake was as close as I got to love.
Showering after work tonight and I’m down to one bar of Ivory the size of a dime. Enough for one armpit which means I have to stand sideways when ever I converse with anyone so’s not to offend. So I figure I can put a little adventure in my life, a little change, a little shake-me-up and take care of Mr. B.O. at the same time. I’m going soap shopping!
I’m going soap shopping and after 30 plus years of loyalty I’m planning on coming home with something different than Ivory.
First stop is aisle 9 at Kinney’s Drug Store. Aisle 9. Hosiery, Cosmetics, Implements (huh?), Facial Essentials, Shower and Bath and Skin Care. This is not going to be as easy as I had hoped but I remain determined. Mantra: change is good, change is good. No it’s not. Change is scary, can’t I just get my Ivory and go home?
Apparently there have been several changes in the soap world in the past 30 years. Who knew cucumber, lemon verbena, shea butter, exfoliation and micro beads were an essential part of being clean. There may be a panic attack in my future. And nothing against the Irish but I’ve known a few and they haven’t got a lock on freshness.
Oh this is interesting. Down on the bottom shelf all in a row. Boraxo, Lava and Kirk’s Castile. This is the section for people who don’t mind scrubbing off an arm in the name of cleanliness. I think I might have gone too far and work my way back up.
My final answer Regis? Zest. I’ve heard of it. Serious questions about the Ocean Energy and the Scent Caps System that promises to release long lasting clean scents. But it’s right next to the Ivory so I don’t feel as though I’ve strayed too far. Take a deep breath and head quickly to the cash register. And we’re done.
That was actually liberating. Almost exhilarating. But exhausting. I’ll say goodnight. I’ve got to get to bed so I can wake up and take a shower.
Love you all. Peace. Peter