I finally put my cross country skiis and poles away. End of the season. Except, if you never used your cross country skiis and poles then technically I don't think you can claim a season. But it sure did feel good walking by as they rested against the coat rack all winter. Getting stronger by being close. My abs tightened little by little just by passing the front door. Wicked bulging triceps simply by thinking about all that double poling I would be doing if it weren’t for the Bruins being on TV. It’s tough being an athlete.
Started on the twice a year cleaning. Knowing that you’re never going to get 100% of the dirt up does not justify not taking a stab at the first 99%. Or in the case of 329 Dorsch Hill Road, Putney, VT 05346 (in case anyone wanted to send me a “hope you get over this cleaning thing” card) the first 1%. When the recliner got moved, (yes I’m that serious) I realized the good folks from Pringles had started a chip factory under there.
Did you know there is a Pringles App? Except it is not available from the U.S. Itunes store. Go ahead, I’ll wait while you go check it out. They probably have started a campaign to promote better health through exercise. C’mon America, put down your handheld device, get up off the couch, grab a can of salt and go for a walk. Hahahahaha. OMG. LMAO. LOL. BFF. WTF. NASA. SCOOBIE-DOO.
Clean. I can’t even figure out how to reload the Swiffer Sweeper I found downstairs. The good folks from Swiffer have a very nice website with a video on how to do this. Which I should have watched before I spent the afternoon on my hands and knees with a Swiffer Sweeper wet mopping refill in each hand working the floor. Fake Spring smelling cleaning liquid on, fake Spring smelling cleaning liquid off. Try saying that 3 times fast with a mouthful of Pringles. Go ahead, try it. Now use the Swiffer Sweeper to clean up all the bits o’ chips you sprayed all over the place.
How about these words? Do they seem brighter? Jump off the page? I even cleaned my keyboard. Most people would just throw away their dirty old computer and get a new one. Not me. A box and a half of Q-tips has never been more wisely used. There are figuratively 100‘s of cleaning uses for the Q-tip. Literally there are 31. Go ahead, check it out. http://www.qtips.com/tip-jar/detail/114964/cleaning-tips. It seems the good folks at Q-tips want us to use them for everything except for what we all use them. Making sure the passage through which our brains get fresh air stays unclogged.
Could someone call my mother?
I think I’m done for today. I’ll get the upstairs and bathroom tomorrow. Unless the Bruins are on.
Now I’ve got to bring the golf clubs up from the cellar. Looking to take 2 points off my handicap this season. From the comfort of my recliner.
Love you all. Peace. Peter.
Love you all. Peace. Peter.
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