Friday, May 13, 2011

Hey buddy I'm talking to you!

I do not make these up.  I swear.

"Middlebury police investigated a report of a dead man sitting in a truck parked off Rt. 7 North on May 6."
We could probably stop right there but let's continue.
"A man told police that he had tried to converse with the person in the truck, to no avail."
Did you try shouting?  Not that it would do any good because...
"Police discovered that the "dead man" was in fact a mannequin."

Not to be left out of this week's stoopid sweepstakes...
"A Seminary Street Extension resident was ticketed for an illegal bonfire on May 7.  Police said the property owner had been burning, among other things, a mattress, lawn chair, pots, pans, shoes and a copier."
30 color copies a minuite my ass.  Burn you sum-a-bitch burn!

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